Wednesday, June 4, 2008

anybody feed organic cat food to their cats

anybody feed organic cat food to their cats?

anybody feed their cat organic cat food? I was recently at the health food store (I am eating organic now) and noticed they had organic cat food, can anybody tell me if they noticed any differences in their cat on organic food? um, I'm sorry is very different from just means that the food contains no chemicals, etc... and I know the cat food I looked at had meat in it as I looked at the ingredients. And no, I don't mean "raw" diet...if I meant raw I would've said raw, I said organic cat food.
Cats - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I wouldn't as Organic cat food wouldn't contain meat! and MEAT is essential for cats! I seen organic dog food and it contain NO meat! Taurine is essential for cats! If you want to feed natural though, there is only one book i RECOMMEND, its by the Senior Vet at the Lort Smith Animal Shelter by Sarah Herbert, called Nibble Munch Chop.Remember though Not all human foods are good for cats and neither are HERBs. Cats are Carnviores, but Dogs are omnivores., Cats cannot survive on a Vetable diet only! Dogs can but its Not ideal, they need some meat in there diets too. I would feed the specially formular cat food made by vets even if it processed, as it got all the nutrients nessary for pacific lifestages. Here are some receipies Raw Dinner Suit cat, dog, ferret, turtle Preperation Time Short;5-15mintues to prepare Ingredients 100g fresh lean beaf mince 1/2teaspoon fish oil 3g bone meal(found in some health food shops) 2teaspoons of chopped fresh liver 1/4 carrot, juiced 1/4 cup cauliflowr, broccoli and parsnip pieces Method Proces the cauliflower, broccoli & parsnp pieces into a paste with the carrot juice Mix the mince, liver and bone meal together Add the vegies & fish oil to the meat Mix all the ingredients thoroughly Serve At room temperature If you feed too much meat and not enough vegies, there coats will become greasy. Beef Tartare Suitable for Cat,dogs,ferret,lizard, turtle Prepaaration time Medium 15-45mintues to prepare Ingredients 300g lean beaf steak 1 BACON rasher 1/4 zucchni 1/4celery stick 1 garlic clove 1 teaspon of olive oil 1/2 peeled apple Method Slice the beaf and bacon very finely Then slice it again until it almost resembles a mince Mince the vegetables the same way Grate the Apple Mix the meat, vegetables, apple and olive oil together by hand Mould into shape with a cup sized serving dish Serve Raw at room temperature Pussycat Ravioli Suitable for cat, dog, ferret Preparation time Long; over 45mintues to prepare and cook Ingredients Pasta 300g fine white flour 3eggs Filling 300g minced chicken 1 garlic clove minced 1 tablespoon of olive oil 1/2cup finely grated fresh parmesan Method Sift the flour & make a hole in middle of the flour Beat the eggs gentle and pour into the middle of the flour Mix by hand and then knead until smooth and elastic Cover the dough in clingwrap and place in the fridge for 1/2hour gently fry the garlic and minced chicken until golden. Allow to cool Mix with the cheese-Refrigerate mix Sprinkle flour over bench top Roll out pasta dough until very thin cut the sheet into several equal sections making sure you end up with an even number Place 1/2 teaspoons of the filling at 5cm intervals 1/2 of the pasta, cover with the other half, gentle press down between portions of fillings. Sprinkle lightly with more flour Cut ravioli into individual segments place on lightly floured baking paper and refridgerate or freeze in single layers. Your ravioli is ready to go To cook the ravoili, bring a large pot of water to boil.Add a generous pinch of salt Lower the ravoili in 1 by 1 and keep moving to stop them sticking Boil until tender Serve individual at room temperature.
2 :
I am pretty sure that organic cat food can contain meat. Its vegetarian that cant contain meat. But no, my cat eats regular food. I suppose it would do a certain amount of good, but I dont know how long you would have to wait to see that, ask your vet??
3 :
Do you mean a raw diet?
4 :
I think if you can find a good quality organic cat food that is appropriate for cats, you should go for it (assuming the cat likes it). The supermarket foods are loaded with grains, fillers, additives and chemicals - none of which are good for cats. Cats are much more sensitive to toxins than people or even dogs. Most of us just buy a high quality canned food at the pet stores (like Wellness).
5 :
My cat had crystals in his urine and it was making it hard for him to pee. Apparently, cheap non-organic food contains lots of bad additives that can cause this condition. Also, cats are really only supposed to eat meat, and the non-organic foods often contain other non-meat ingredients. So once I started feeing him organic food (which is basically pure chicken), he got 100% better. Also, he doesn't like to drink water very often and the organic food is very moist, with a lot of broth, so that helps with his bladder as well.
6 :
I feed holistic cat food called Felidae. Holistic on a brand just means the products used in it are things that a human would eat like high quality meat and carbohydrates like brown rice. And once a week my cat gets raw boneless chicken breast and chopped liver and heart. Since switching her to Felidae supplemented with a bit of raw flesh and she doesn't need to eat as much,her cat is shiney and she sheds less,and her poop isn't as large.
7 :
You should be aware that organic cat foods may or may not be truly organic. There's no regulation on it like there is with human foods or goods. Most of them tend to be of a better quality than grocery store foods but that's about all I can say about them without reviewing specific brands. The best that I can answer your question is to say that I have DEFINITELY seen a difference in my cats after I switched them from Purina to healthier foods

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