Quiz: Want to bust popular health food myths?
Answer true or false for questions 1-10 and I will award ten points to the one who gets the most correct and give the explanation for the answers! 1. True or false: Milk is a great source of calcium. 2. True or false: Most kinds of dark chocolate contain anti-oxidants and are actually healthy in small doses. 3. True or false: High fructose corn syrup is almost exactly like sugar. 4. True or false: Diet soda is a healthy way to avoid lots of sugar and calories. 5. True or false:Organic green vegetables cost more mainly because they cost more to produce. 6. True or false: Cholesterol rich foods are very bad for your health. 7. True or false: Margarine is a healthy alternative to butter. 8. True or false: You can replace whatever nutrients you are missing by taking your typical supplements? 9. True or false: Hot dogs are only bad for you if they aren't 100% beef. 10. True or false: Too much fruit in your diet will cause weight gain due to the sugar. I will post the correct answers in 30 minutes. All the answers are false. 1 F Milk inhibits absorption of calcium and can actually create a calcium deficiency. 2. F Most chocolate is processed with alkali, which kills the antioxidants. 3. F High fructose corn syrup affects horomones telling you how full you are. 4. F Sugar subs actually cause us to crave real sugar even more. 5. F Organic produce is not subsidized by the US federal government the way non-organic foods are, so it's usually less profitable to grow organic. 6. F Many foods rich in cholesterol, such as eggs,are extremely healthy for you. High cholesterol is also not necessarily a sign of poor health. 7. F Old news. Google it. 8. F There are very few good supplements for a healthy diet that don’t cause other nutritional deficiencies, and they are very expensive. 9. F Most lunch meats contain carcinogens from processing, which are directly linked to several kinds of cancer. 10. F fruits are generally very low on the glycemic index. Eat up. The winner with the most false answers was chepamer.

Diet & Fitness - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
first one is true but im not gonna read the rest
3 :
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. F Even if I don't win, can you at some point reveal the correct answers as I am very curious about this.
4 :
1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 F 6 F 7 T 8F 9 F 10 F
5 :
1 true 2 true 3 true 4 false 5 false 6 true 7 false 8 false 9 false 10 true
6 :
1.true 2.true 3.false 4.false 5.true 6.true 7.false 8.false 9.false 10.true
7 :
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. True 7. False 8. True 9. False 10. False
8 :
1. True 2. High quality dark chocolate DOES have anti oxidants 3. True. Fructose is a sugar 4. False, diet soda is incredibly bad for you 5. True 6. True and False. Some foods such as eggs are high in cloistral but are good for you. 7. True. Healthy..ER 8. False. 9. False. Hot Dogs aren't even made from beef 10. False. It is not possible to eat that much fruit.
9 :
1. True 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True 6.True 7.False 8.True 9.False 10. False
10 :
1.True 2. False 3.True 4.False 5.True 6.True 7.False 8.False 9.False 10.False
11 :
1. True. Dairy products are the most common sources of calcium (in the US). 1 cup skim milk gives you about 1/3 of your AI (Adequate Intake). 2. True. I do not know the reasoning for this, but I remember my nutrition teacher mentioning it. 3. True. Fructose is a kind of sugar. 4. False. Soda of any kind isn't healthy. It's better to drink water, and juices that aren't from concentrate. 5. Don't know. 6. Depends on the kind of cholesterol. Foods high in HDL are bad, foods high in LDL are good. 7. False. It's harder for the body to break down margarine. 8. True, but it is better to fix your diet so you are getting the nutrients you need. If you take supplements without knowing if you're getting too many of a nutrient, you could suffer from a toxicity of a specific nutrient. 9. Don't know. 10. False.
12 :
Ha, this is fun way to kill some time. 1. True - Milk has a good amount of calcium in it, so I don't know how that could be false. 2. True - I'm not sure about being "healthy in small doses" but most dark chocolate has anti-oxidants. 3. False - High Fructose corn syrup is worse than sugar. It doesn't trigger the feeling of being full as fast as other foods, causing you to eat more. 4. False - Diet soda is ok if you're trying to avoid sugar and calories, and you need a break from water. But, Diet soda is loaded with sodium, which dehydrates you. 5. True - Organic foods require more care because they don't use all the chemicals and preservatives more processed produce rely on. 6. False - Depends on the Cholesterol and on your health situation. 7. False - Margarine is worse than butter. It's a lab-produced butter substitute. 8. False - Supplements are great, but they can never replace the nutrients you get from eating actual food. 9. False - Hot Dogs are low grade meat regardless of whether they are pork, beef, or whatever. 10. False - You'd have to eat a ton of fruit for that to happen. Most fruit is very low in calories and high in fiber and usually contain a lot of water. Meaning, fruit fills you up quick. Fruit helps you digest and provides your body with vitamins and such. That was fun, now back to work :(
13 :
1. t 2. t 3. t 4. f 5. t 6. f 7. t 8. t 9. f 10. f
14 :
1. Well it depends how ur body , but usually true 2. T 3. it is sugar 4. F 5. T, they just grow slover and they have more chances 2 die, so the amount is small 6. well there's a thing called the good cholesterol, but as the body produces it as well, u don't have 2 go over, so the lesser the best T 7. F, as it went through a hydrolysis process, it's not healthy 8. T, but some vitamins makes absolitie other vitamins 9.F, they put god know what in them, that r worser then beef 10. T, if u don't use away the sugar u will get fat
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