Saturday, March 8, 2008

How do fast food chains increase profits at the expense of public health

How do fast food chains increase profits at the expense of public health?
I'm doing my essay, just need some ideas. thanks!
Fast Food - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
smaller beef patties with larger boxes of fries.
2 :
They don't, that wouldn't be very profitable. When most of these companies were starting, they had no idea of the bad effects from the fats they used. As they learn of these things they make changes. Put yourself in their position, would you think of harming your customer base intentionally? McDonald's cares so much they opened a hospital for terminally ill children. Don't make them out to be this monster that is carelessly poisoning it's customers. You must be responsible for your food choices. They supply the ice cream, they don't force you to eat it.
3 :
everything they sell is a cheaper and less expensive version of the real thing. such as... iceburg lettuce is the cheapest lettuce, but has no nutrients thats why its mostly white not green like romaine lettuce which is green and healthy... the beef used is cheaper and has more fat, than regular beef. etc etc...
4 :
Assign employees 'assembly line jobs' and train them to do them well (an idea that made Henry Ford rich). Do not hire anyone to work over 32 hrs a week so you do not have to pay full time wages or benefits. Hire mainly young people who will work for less because they are going to school or just playing around after work. Pay managers to work for a 'monthly wage' so they can and will work many more hours over forty for the same wage. Keep the menu simple and make few, if any substitutes.
5 :
Honestly it isn't about health at all. It is what they can get us to buy. They make grilled instead of crispy (but the grilled has injected fat so that it is moist) chicken but it isn't necessarily better for you. It is about tricking customers into buying what they are selling. That is why they have ads. It is all about money and our capitalistic society encourages it. McDonalds only started selling thier "healtier options", after the documentary about their food came out. Some fast food chains offer good choices for thier kids meals. Wendy's has fruit and milk. McDs has milk and apples (but they add carmel dip to entice the youngsters into eating them). It is give and take and the more money they make the less they care.
6 :
smaller portions and raise prices
7 :
i dunno

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