Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Is left over food from McDonaldls bad for your health

Is left over food from McDonaldls bad for your health?
I tried left over McDonald's from like 3 days ago (a large fries and a McDouble) and it taste like crap. Well yeah its bad for you in general! I mean is it even worse if you have it saved in your fridge for over time... Like, am I gonna die!?

Diet & Fitness - 12 Answers
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1 :
McDonald's is bad for your health in general.
2 :
fresh food from Mcdonalds is bad for u
3 :
Ok - brace yourself because I have some bad news for you. Fresh food from McDonald's is bad for your health. Its even worse after it sits around for 3 days.
4 :
Definitely, McDonald's is even bad for your health even when it's fresh.
5 :
No more than it is when you initially received the food. Like you've noted...the taste may vary...especially were you thinking!?
6 :
McDonalds is bad for your health period.
7 :
McDonalds' is bad for your health, 3 day old McDonalds is just tempting fate
8 :
McDonald's isn't great for your health anyway. McDonald's also contains a high amount of preservatives so it would probably look good, but no I don't think it would be good for you.
9 :
Pretty much any food from McDonald's is bad for your health. but if you're talking about how old it is, then 3 days is pushing it. You might get a stomach ache, but you'll be fine.
10 :
3 days is not going to kill you. You already know eating mcdonalds is really not good for you but no you will not die if it has only been in their 3 days.
11 :
fast food is bad for you health anyway so of course left over fast food would be bad
12 :
Try launching the bun, and if it flies further than a conventional frisbee in one piece than it's probably not very healthy or edible

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

When reading the food nutrition panel before consuming food ,

When reading the food nutrition panel before consuming food ,?
Ex: a bag of chips, cookies, carrots, whatever. In your opinion, does it affect the amount of food you eat , in comparison to just opening up a bag and eating? Not just for dieters, but for people who eat junk food and health food alike.
Other - Food & Drink - 4 Answers
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1 :
for me, if it's different from what I expected, it will affect it. For example, if I was planning to eat an entire big cookie, then I see that it has 700 calories and 30 grams of fat, I'll change my mind and only eat a part (or none!). Or if I think some chips will have 200 calories for a 1/2 cup, but they actually only have 50, then I might eat a little more than I had planned.
2 :
Until I became I calorie counter, I never read labels. Now I read them all the time and yes it does effect what I buy and what I will eat. For instance, I will not buy anything that has corn syrup in it.
3 :
Yes, it definitely affects how much I eat. I check the serving size, too because sometimes I think, 350 calories and 10 grams of fat isn't so bad for a can of soup, and then the can is 2 servings. So I'll just eat something else. Really, who's going to open a can of say, Progresso Soup, and eat half. You'll still be hungry.
4 :
i read the label after consuming the food. no it does not affect how much i eat of it. but if i was buying similar things, and i have no idea what they both taste like, i choose the lighter option (i mean if there is normal tortilla or light tortilla..i choose the lighter one) but i feel embarrassed of reading the label in the supermarket.. i think people will look at me and think oh she's on a diet..and it makes me take ages as it's really slow to read every label that i buy! i'd never get out of the supermarket! i'd live there

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What is the best things to get ride of man moobs? health, exersise and food wise

What is the best things to get ride of man moobs? health, exersise and food wise?

Diet & Fitness - 1 Answers
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1 :
Any combination of diet and exercise which reduces overall body fat will reduce moobs. There is no special program specific for that purpose. Improving the size and tone of pectoral muscles always helps, but is not sufficient by itself (and you'll look weird with big pecs and nothing else.

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Do you think that fast food industries have hurtful effect on people's health

Do you think that fast food industries have hurtful effect on people's health?
Please type in your gender and age this is for a survey.
Fast Food - 4 Answers
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1 :
no anything they do they do to themselves, gender - non specific age - ageless
2 :
3 :
No - it's a one of many food choices people have.
4 :
Male/21 No. Fast food restaurants do not go into people's homes and stuff food into their mouths. People choose to eat fast food because it's fast, cheap, and convenient. The general public health may be declining because they are too lazy to cook a meal themselves, opting for the quick fix. Do guns kill people, or do people kill people

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Monday, May 12, 2008

How do I go about suing a national food-chain for not keeping up with their health and hygiene standards

How do I go about suing a national food-chain for not keeping up with their health and hygiene standards???
I recently bought a tray of muffins. they looked fresh and edible. BUT I discovered something STRANGE inside.looked like this "thing" belonged in a rubbish bin. I was shocked, because I didnt expect this from the store.How can I sue

Other - Food & Drink - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Keep the muffin and find a lawyer.
2 :
Hire a lawyer like any good American.
3 :
Get a lawyer and have some facts. Go to local court and take it from there.
4 :
Call the health department. Why sue? I'm sure many other people have had the same problems, but they haven't sued. But if you call the health department they can get to the bottom of what the problem is. And unless you have evidence that this actually happened it's just your word against theirs in a lawsuit.
5 :
Have you spoken to the people who sold you the "defective" muffin with the item which looked like it belonged in the trash bin???? You needed to show it to someone in the establishment at the time that it happened. Did you consume the "thing"???? If you did not and you are not physically harmed because of it; why would you possibly want to sue this establishment???? Are you just looking for money? It would have been much more helpful for you to speak with the manager at the time of the purchase, or at least upon finding the "thing." I wonder why someone would be threatening to sue a food chain in order for them to keep up their health and hygiene standards.....who would be the actual winner here???!!!
6 :
You're a greedy loser looking for someone else to pay your bills. It's idiots like you why our insurance is so high. Get off it and make your own damn muffin.
7 :
Just eat it already or else throw it away and STFU. Then go sue your neighbor (for being ugly) or your neighbors dog (for barking too loud). Also consider suing your parents for raising a whiner.
8 :, find someone who has handled a case like yours. My mother had to do this. Keep it MUM...NOT a soul do yuospeak to. carry on as usual. Do you still have the reciept? Know by hearthe brand, or store made?ONLY give the details of the insides to your atty if that is the road you choose to take.....MY mother found a piece of chicken wire in the food. I rest my case....and the jury iw out until yuo bedome proactive...di you keep said insides of item? PROOF....try buying them again, consult your atty...see if it is consistently lawsuit material. Many very valid replies here and all quite sound. I am impressed.
9 :
Call the local health dept and they will likely be shut down.
10 :
I agree with part of one of the other answerers that you should have gone to the management. Why would you want someone else to eat those muffins, what if a mom gave it to her kid? I slipped in walmart by the fishtanks cause there was water on the floor, didn't fall and saw a guy in a tie w/a walkie talkie. told him what just happened that maybe some one needs to clean it up before they fall and sue. HE got on his hands and knees with paper towels. You didn't eat it, it didn't put you in the hospital, so the only case you have is bad muffins!
11 :
Call them into the board of Health. They will then go out and take a look..Hope they get a really picky peron too. I know this because i have worked in food for over 5 years

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Why is healthier food more expensive than junk food

Why is healthier food more expensive than junk food?
If the United States is supposed to be the fattest country in the world, than why do we need to pay more for healthy food. I think it really annoying because I'm a pretty healthy eater so, ya know, it's really annoying! Please tell me your comments on this problem. P.S. Everyone who likes junk food more than health food I'm sorry.
Other - Food & Drink - 21 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's harder to make and find.
2 :
It's a scam like everything else. If you WILL NOT put junk into your body, then you WILL pay the prices.
3 :
Not at all expensive in India. May be in ur countries. Here very cheap.
4 :
junk food is higher in calories and fats and stuff that is easy to produce also people are willing to pay more for healthy foods
5 :
well, they just want us to get fat and by lowering the price on junk food, we'll buy more of it. idk, but we are the fattest country and, no one in the u.s gives a shit and that kinda bugs me
6 :
Well cause it's harder to produce healthier food, like why do people buy expensive cars when they can buy a cheap one, for the look and appearance, and in this case the taste.
7 :
Healthy food is not as processed as junk food, which means it's harder to mass produce it. Also, there's a lot of work that goes into making sure ingredients are organic (planting, tending, harvesting, shipping, etc.) It sure is better for you though, so keep at it!
8 :
Just wait...the government will start regulating what you eat soon enough so you won't have to worry about it anymore. But I'll still bomb the hell out of Twinkies!!
9 :
Here we go. Health equals fountain of youth. People will pay high prices for those vegetable like years at the end of the life. Healthy is easier than health food though, try buying grape seed oil in bulk, going to the 99 cent store and shopping around. I just got some good meat for stir fry for a buck 59 a pound and it was beef!
10 :
I believe it is because there is no money in farming. A good speech you can find on youtube is that there is no money in farming. because of this, we import a lot of food. also, if we are health, doctors wont make as much $$. just my two sense
11 :
Because they use crappy products in junk food and its easier to mass produce it. Organic products are more expensive since they don't use pesticides they lose a good portion of the crop compared to companies that use chemicals to yield a bigger crop. So basically fast food or junk food is like buying clothes or furniture from china that is one size fits all and cheaply made. Healthy or organic food is kinda like buying a rocking chair made by a craftsman who puts more work into it. So more time and effort go into healthy foods.
12 :
Because the manufactures know that people who purchase these foods are concerned enough with their health to purchase them at the prices they set. In addition, the fact that relatively peaking, a much significantly SMALLER portion of the population buys this type of food, also offsets the higher costs of manufacturing it. It does seem unfair, but as time progresses and the consumers of junk foods die off (high cholesterol, obesity, colon cancer, etc.) and the children of people who eat "right" become the consumers who purchase such products, we will see significant reductions in costs as more manufactures who are interested in staying in business, will have to produce these types of foods in order to do so. You can find them at decent prices in the major super markets (even Wal-mart sells Boca Burgers). It's the smaller specialty shops, with the higher overhead, who mark them up a great deal more. I know, I hate huge corporations as well and would rather support the mom an pop stores, but these days, economically speaking, it is simply not a viable option.
13 :
people put less effort and care into junk food that is why it is called junk food healthy food has to be well taken care of so it will stay healthy so people have to put more effort and care into it therefor it cost more. basically the more that is done the more it will cost ):
14 :
This is because the food industry wants consumers to stick with junk food, and so they have upped the cost of healthier choices to deter people from trying them .Why does the industry want people to eat mainly junk food ? It is because the processed food / food additive / GMO businesses are connected with the chemical industry( through the food additives/taste enhancers that are put in junk food). In turn, the chemical industry is connected with the pharmaceutical industry, so here is the set-up: you eat junk food with its petro-chemical derived additives, you eventually become sick or obese and go to a doctor, and he gives you pricey petro-chemical derived "treatments" for your condition." This way, everybody is happy, with the exception of anyone who loves junk food!
15 :
expensive food is more expensive because healthy food is not bought as much as junk food so the price is higher.
16 :
Because with healthier people united states wont have too much fat people
17 :
The producers of organic food tell us it's labor intensive to bring their product to market,which I don't believe.Anyway they claim without using chemicals it cost more to fight off those pesky bugs.
18 :
I think this is a really good question and one I've wondered about myself. Part of me thinks it's some wicked plan on the part of the large food companies to use economics to force you to buy food from them instead of from someone else. Unfortunately it is a certainly a real economic problem. Healthier foods, i.e. foods without much processing and/or preservatives go bad faster which means the cost to get it from the field to your mouth is higher. A bag of potato chips can sit on the shelf for years which means there's no real concern to get it to you quickly. A plain potato, on the other hand, will go bad quickly so there has to be some sort of urgency in getting to it you. Faster shipping methods means more expense. Then there's the inherent problem with the US in general in that it's so big. How close do you live to an orange farm? I don't know about you, but I'm pretty far. So, if I want oranges, they need to travel a pretty long way. Now we have two problems. 1) Unprocessed food expires so it must be moved quickly and 2) certain foods travel a great distance to reach you. Plus, some foods need to be refrigerated adding more to the cost. So, a bag of potato chips could go from the tip of Florida to Seattle just by the force of the wind alone and arrive in edible condition whereas a bag of oranges probably won't last more then a few weeks. Then we have a more interesting economic problem of supply vs. demand. There simply is a greater demand for processed foods then for unprocessed foods which means there's a larger supply of it which translates to a lower cost for you as the consumer. If suddenly, no one wanted potato chips anymore, then the manufacturers would stop making them, making a big of chips pretty rare and thus expensive. Most people don't care for "health food" so there's not much of it, meaning a low supply meaning a high cost. It's cheaper to buy a bottle of cola then a bottle of water because more people want one versus the other.
19 :
It's harder find and more costly because of the ingredients in the food its better for you and thus they charge you more for it hope this helps =]
20 :
It simply costs more to grow good produce.
21 :
First, you have to understand what junk food is and why it's made. Junk food is, by definition, cheaply produced food. Junk food isn't made for nutritional value, only for taste. Many chemicals are used to preserve shelf life which reduces costs and increases profit. 'Real foods' such as fresh fruit and vegetables, don't have these preservatives, and can't be stored as long so the window for making profits is much shorter

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

What is a healthy sweetner that wont have any long term bad health effects

What is a healthy sweetner that wont have any long term bad health effects???
Does anyone know what health food stores carry that is NOT bad for your body . I know Stevia is one what about crystaline fructose? Is it bad??? One that wont throw your body into humungous sugar cravings I may be possibly diabetic I dont know yet. But the cravings are way too strong like an alcohalic. I do need a safe alternative though.

Diet & Fitness - 3 Answers
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1 :
i dont know about crystalline fructose but agave nectar is a good sweetener. so is syrup or honey.
2 :
3 :

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

I have 2 male cats (one is a kitten) is it ok that the kitten eats the older male's food

I have 2 male cats (one is a kitten) is it ok that the kitten eats the older male's food?
My 4yr old male is on Purina One Urinary Tract Health food and I give the kitten the Purina One for Kittens, but he insists on eating the older cat's food....Is it ok?
Cats - 9 Answers
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1 :
most likely it's not going to be harmful for him, but kitten food has nutrients that babies need. try feeding them seperately, in different rooms with doors closed. take the adults food away when he's finished eating it.
2 :
lol yes its ok just put a little bit of water on it so it could be a little softer for his teeth. nothing will happen :)
3 :
The reason your cat is on this type of food is beecause you were feeding dry foods in the first place. Yhe system needs water and all cats should be on a healthy canned diet Nutrition since there are so many bad things out there is very important to your cat’s health Contrary to what you may have heard; dry foods are not a great thing to feed a cat. Please read the label on what you are feeding? What are the ingredients? Do you know what they mean? Is the first ingredient a muscle meat like chicken or meal or other things? Dry foods are the number 1 cause of diabetes in cats as well as being a huge contributing factor to kidney disease, obesity, crystals, u.t.i’s and a host of other problems. Food allergies are very common when feeding dry foods. Rashes, scabs behind the tail and on the chin are all symptoms The problems associated with Dry food is that they are loaded with carbohydrates which many cats (carnivores) cannot process them. Also, Most of the moisture a cat needs is suppose to be in the food but in Dry, 95% of it is zapped out of dry foods in the processing. Another thing, most use horrible ingredients and don't use a muscle meat as the primary ingredient and use vegetable based protein versus animal. Not good for an animal that has to eat meat to survive. You want to pick a canned food w/o gravy (gravy=carbs) that uses a muscle meat as the first ingredient and doesn't have corn at least in the first 3 ingredients if at all. Fancy feast is a middle grade food with 9lives, friskies whiskas lower grade canned and wellness and merrick upper grade human quality foods. The optimum food to feed cats has no grains whatsoever, cats have no use for them and many have trouble processing them as well as the carbs. IBD is another disease that is rapidly becoming common amoung cats because of the inappropriate diets being fed. Also, dry food is not proven to be better for teeth. Does a hard pretzel clean your teeth or do pieces of it get stuck? Please read about cat nutrition.
4 :
Eating adult cat food won't harm your kitten, my kitten used to like adult cat food only.
5 :
Yes it wont hurt the kitten if anything it may help his Urinary Tract. You just might want to add some kitten food to the mix of cat food for the kitten and add a little water to soften up the food for his little teeth.
6 :
hi, kitten food only has a little more protein than adult food no extra vitamins and minerals (i did a lot of research and talking to my vet, my kitten was eating adult food by the time he was 12 weeks old and he is now 9 months and weighs in at 5kg). i agree with ken about feeding dry food it is like us eating junk food 24/7. try feeding purina tinned or pouched food as cats get most of their water from the food they eat. dry food is known to cause urinary tract health problems including those ment for urinary tract health. i know this from my old cat (who had kidney failure) she was on purina one urinary tract health and it actually made no difference and my then vet said it was what caused the problem in the first place. at one point in time there was no dry food or kitten food but there was tinned food and bothadult cats and kittens ate the same.
7 :
i had the same problem with my kitten. he was always eating my older cats food. I decided to stop giving him kitten food. and it has done him no harm. My kitten even eats my dogs food.
8 :
it wont harm him but the kitten one is best to help them grow
9 :
no it can make the kitten sick

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