Saturday, January 12, 2008

how do u spell the meat-like food i think its something like saytan

how do u spell the meat-like food i think its something like saytan?
years ago i had burgers made from this and they were quite tasty. think its madev from sometype of soy. i could be way off line but its health food of sorts. comes in powder form or a pre-made loaf. help! i need dinner.
Vegetarian & Vegan - 7 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
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seitan . . no, it's a meat sustitute made of wheat, it's very good, but it's a substitute for vegans.
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Seitan. It's actually the protein from wheat, gluten. You can make it at home, too, by either buying wheat gluten or a seitan mix. It is pretty tasty, kind of reminiscent of roast beef. :)
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Saytan???? I know you can get Quorn burgers pre made which are meat free,try that,they are okay but personally I always make my own burgers from fresh beef mince,an egg to bind and a few herbs/spices...very tasty and full of iron-plus completely fine on the slimming world diet!
4 :
Seitan. Wheat gluten. "Wheat meat" It's not made from soy, rather it the the protein from wheat. You can make home made seitan from whole wheat flour (maybe white flour, I don't know) by washing away the starchy part. Look up online for a recipe for home made seitan, but it could turn out to be way to much work that way. The best way to make home made seitan is to use 2 cups wheat gluten (comes in power form from the health food store @ about $3/lb) and one cup of whole wheat flour. Mix with 1 1/4 cups warm water and 1/2 cup soy sauce and an optional 2 Tbsps vegetable oil. That may seem like a lot of soy sauce, but it will get boiled away. Mix to make a ball of dough. Rip off chunks of dough, flatten them somewhat and pan fry until golden on both sides and toughening up (10 min). Cover with water (or boil them in a different pot all together) simmer 20-30 min. From this point the seitan can be drained and kept in the fridge for a week. Cut it into strips and saute in steak sauce with onions, peppers and mushrooms. Use chunks in a beef stew like soup. Saute with asian sauces from the grocery store. Saute with veg oil, soy sauce, black pepper and a splash of maple syrup. Possibilites are endless once you get the basic seitan made.
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