Sunday, January 20, 2008

What happens to the health of people who eat regular fast food

What happens to the health of people who eat regular fast food?

Fast Food - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :

1 :
Irreversible harmful effects on health. try reading it has the details on what happened to the health of the guy who ate fast food everyday for thirty days as an experiment to what fast food does to our body.
2 :
Chances of Heart attack increases because Fast food is becoming really costly these days,
3 :
Its really bad for you. Watch Super size me.
4 :
its not good for healtht and its not healthy.
5 :
fat...and the increase chances of major health problems.
6 :
Obesity after 30, possibility of diabetes after 40, and possibility of heart attack or stroke after 50. Any questions?
7 :
Well, I gained weight, my LDL cholesterol went sky high, and I put myself at risk for Type 2 Diabetes which runs on both sides of my family, as well as heart and liver disease.
8 :
most people gain weight and thier blood pressure goes has also been linked to depression and heart failure
9 :
You don't want to know..