Tuesday, January 8, 2008

If the health care bill passes will it be cheaper to quit your job if you have a preexisting condition

If the health care bill passes will it be cheaper to quit your job if you have a preexisting condition?
Than pay out more than half of your after tax income on insurance, seems like that's exactly what is going to happen. You will see millions of people quitting their jobs because then they know they will get free health, food, clothes, education, high speed internet, etc. Why work then? Soon there will be no one working and Obama will reach his goal, the destruction of America.
Politics - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Pre existing conditions will be covered by the health care reform. That means it will no longer be legal for insurance companies to use the pre-existing bullshit they curently do.
2 :
No, I totally disagree, plus this drama (no offense) is not coming from a place of reality or reason or education.
3 :
It doesn't matter. If you have a pre-existing condition they'll take your money (like they do now) and then tell you nothing can be done. Or they'll just prescribe some drugs to keep you docile. Either way, you aren't about to get decent healthcare from an industry dominated by insurance companies.
4 :
well your whole point makes so little sense that i'm just not afraid of your scenario. i won't quit my job - but i bet i save a good chunk of change over what is now paid for my health insurance. right NOW health insurance is my highest single monthly expense - higher than my rent. i'd pay a LOT of tax to eliminate that - because i now pay over $550 per month on health insurance. i'd gladly pay $250 to get rid of my $550 monthly bill.
5 :
IF I WERE AN EMPLOYER AND I HAVE 20 PEOPLE MAKING 30K, I WOULD IMMEDIATELY CANCEL THEIR HEALTH CARE PLAN. I pay $700 a month per employee for health care insurance. That is $252,000.00 per year. If I cancel their insurance I will be fined 8%. That is $200 a month or $48,000.00 a year. Do I have to tell you how much an employer would save? The employees will have but one option "The Government option" i.e. socialized medicine! Now do you understand when B. Boxer tells her base "... we have the language in the bill for the public option..."? No major innovative medical procedure or medicine comes from a socialized system.Read this article and tell me, were will Canadians go to get quality health care if we go the way of the NHS? http://freedomeden.blogspot.com/2010/02/danny-williams-heart-surgery-in-us.html