Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Teens can some mental health problems have to do with eating junk food

Teens can some mental health problems have to do with eating junk food?
i ask this because junk food may cause some chemical embalances AM I RIGHT?
Adolescent - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If it does then i should be locked up!
2 :
They can probably get depressed from getting so damn fat after eating all those chips and cookies. @wicked november, he's right. Your just in denial.
3 :
idc. it taste good. :DD
4 :
Yes, you are. Gluten, which is in wheat, barley and corn, and also casein from milk can cause severe problems with health. These can be in the gut, as well as in the form of brain allergies that can cause symptoms of brain fog, depression, an endorphin reaction rather like taking heroin which includes withdrawal and cravings when you try to quit eating wheat, for example, and in extreme cases, schitzophrenia or seizures. This is not unknown. A diet call G.A.R.D. tells how to avoid gluten and let the gut recover (as explained in at least one website, like the one at and avoid many problems from junk food. Why do you think they call it junk?
5 :
Well the only real health problem the seem to cause is some people seek comfort in eating junk food if they are upset. Or sugar can cause an ADHD child to bounce off the walls. Thats about the only connection I see.
6 :
If they do, then I am the biggest retard in history.
7 :
i dont know if it could cause mental health but it is BAD
8 :
OMG i never thought i'd see the say Staten Island Ferry IS RIGHT Though sadly, Staten, you ARE right. And as to the second poster, the chemical imbalances themselves is what causes depression not being fat. (Though in some(heh most) cases attribute.) not only that but the more you eat junk food, the more permanent impact it had on your health, and if severe enough, can definitely impact you longevity. i could really go on and on and on about this